ClimatePal is a unique standard combining high-integrity carbon credits certification with smart tracking.
We consider only carbon credits generated meeting all relevant criteria, applying approved methodologies. ClimatePal certifies only carbon credits that fulfill both Basic and Specific criteria.
Our added value
ClimatePal is a unique system that combines certification of high-integrity carbon credits with fast-tracking of project steps and a user-friendly, quick certification process.
Special focus
ClimatePal advocates that offsetting projects activity drive specific co-benefits, besides emission reduction/removal.
Ecosystem services provision
Biodiversity conservation
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
Positive Social Impact
The governance structure of the ClimatePal Standard consists of the following bodies:
- ClimatePal Services GmbH
- Advisory Board (ClimatePal e.V)
- Experts Committee
ClimatePal Services GmbH is the governing body of ClimatePal Standard. It is a private company registered in Germany with the headquarter in Cologne. The functions of ClimatePal Systems are:
- Development and continue improvement of ClimatePal Standard.
- Issuance of ClimatePal compensation certificates.
- Provision and maintenance of certification of projects.
- Approval of VVBs.
- Approval and development of new methodologies for projects.
- Maintenance of ClimatePal Registry.
Activities of ClimatePal Standard is supervised by the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board oversees ClimatePal activities, takes part in strategical meetings and guides development of the standard.
The Experts Committee includes experts in the fields of forestry, agriculture and GHG emissions. The Committee provides a peer review of projects documents, and ClimatePal Standard documents. It also supports the development of ClimatePal Standard.
ClimatePal and the sister companies
- Support to project developers in framing and design carbon offsetting projects.
- Marketing and trading of ClimatePal certified carbon credits.
- Carbon trading.
- Monitoring of GHG emission reduction/avoidance and removals.
- Support to credible and efficient certification of carbon offsetting projects.
- Providing expertise and knowledge in certification procedure and development of certification schemes.
- Globally leading certification system for climate friendly and climate neutral coffee.